News Release


MAP Theme for 2022 “PUSH FOR CHANGE: Towards a Better Future for All”

January 13, 2022

PUSH FOR CHANGE:  Towards a Better Future for All is the MAP Theme for 2022. In line with this theme, the MAP will pursue three main thrusts:

  1.      POLICY REFORM FOR ECONOMIC DYNAMISM – Push for vital policy reforms through executive or legislative action to sustain          economic recovery, attract more local and foreign investments, improve the ease of doing business, and create more jobs, particularly in the countryside.


  1.      HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND WELL-BEING – Push for programs that develop a productive workforce, encourage innovation            and entrepreneurship, focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), ensure public health, and promote responsible        citizenship.


3.            SHARED PROSPERITY AND SUSTAINABILITY – Push for actions that will strengthen business commitment to environmental                       sustainability, social justice, good governance and stakeholders’ interests (employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and                           shareholders) through ESG initiatives and disclosures.