Hello, Welcome to Management Association of the Philippines

Carlos Chan is this year’s MAP Management Man of the Year

Current Events
Learn the qualities of a future leader at the Good-NextGen CEO conference on November 12, 2021.

Inviting the right members

As MAP continues to grow, our goal is to maintain excellence and exclusivity in the association.
To ensure that all members meet the criteria we have set and have the characteristics we are
looking for, we do not accept applications and membership is strictly by invitation only.


  1. Generally, the prospective member must be an executive of an operating organization and must be involved in the management functions of the enterprise. Preferably, he/she must be among the top three executives of his organization.
  2. The prospective member may be:
    1. a close family member involved in managing the business as heir-apparent of the owner
    2. a University President, a College Dean or its equivalent position in the learning institution.
    3. a Managing Partner or a Senior Partner of a law, audit or any other consulting/licensed professional firm
    4. a government official with position of at least Assistant Secretary or top two officers of a government agency/corporation
    5. an Ambassador or a Commercial Counsellor
    6. the top two officers of a corporate foundation or a similar NGO
  3. Generally, the organization being managed by the prospective member must have been commercially operating for at least 3 years, and must have at least 10 employees and total assets of at least P10 million.
  4. Exceptions will be on case-to-case basis and subject to the approval of the incumbent MAP Board of Governors.

We find the right leaders who can join us take management excellence for nation-building
to new heights.