MAP Insights

Romeo David

Widespread hunger staring in our face… Time to act now!

written by Romeo G. David - April 14, 2020

The hurriedly implemented government imposed Lockdown – Quarantine to arrest the COVID-19 crisis has brought about unintended consequences.

It has caused serious income loss not only to the business community but more importantly to the lower and economically vulnerable income groups, most of whom are minimum wage earners, day workers, contract or piece workers, or self-employed in the underground economy… All of whom live virtually hand-to-mouth for their daily existence.

As I see it, unless the government can figure out a way to help these economically vulnerable group bridge the absence of income during this Lockdown – Quarantine period so they could meet their minimum subsistence needs with a financial or food support program, both crime and political instability are a real possibility in the near term.

It’s the above concern that prompts me to bring to attention the wisdom behind the creation of the National Grains Authority (NGA), later renamed National Food Authority (NFA). The Food Agency was created by Pres. Marcos under PD4 precisely in anticipation of the need to address the possible risk that hunger could cause political instability in the event of a crisis, be it man-made or caused by natural calamities.

With availability and access to food being a key component to ensure political stability, the government required NFA to stockpile rice to address the unforecastable political risk like COVID-19 today.

However, to give it a day-to-day role and to always be in the ready to address any crisis, as well as to keep the rice inventory fresh, the government tasked the NFA with a parallel function to stabilize palay farm-gate prices for the farmers and rice retail prices for the consumers.

Although this farmer and consumer support activity is the more familiar role of NFA’s twin responsibility, it is the food security role in a crisis situation that is most important for any administration.

Like insurance, one would hope never to have to call on its support to avert political instability, the unwelcome consequence of a crisis situation that induces a food insecurity situation.

As we navigate the Lockdown – Quarantine period, I believe that in the coming days, due to the acute lack or absence of income for a great number of our brothers, the Food Security role of NFA may be needed to address public anxieties to insure political stability.

Presently, the Government, through NFA, has more than adequate rice inventory that is strategically positioned throughout the country. NFA is manned with competent and well-trained personnel in food security management and distribution to meet any food security crisis.

With the halt of all economic activities under Lockdown – Quarantine, the economically disadvantaged members of our community will be facing hunger in a few days when money runs out… an unavoidable offshoot of the programs to arrest the COVID-19 crisis.

To address this hunger crisis, NFA must be given proper authority, clear directives as to how to act and release the held rice inventory to quell the hunger anxieties of the economically disadvantaged.

NFA, when directed, can release the stored rice to the DSWD or the DILG, both of whom have capable networks to identify the needy and provide the rice support as ordered by the President.

The recently passed RA11203 or Rice Tariffication Law last Feb 14, 2019 had re-defined and seriously limited the role, functions and authority of NFA.

Therefore, it is necessary to review and re-establish the appropriate protocols and proper documentation to ensure that regularity and accountability will be in place before NFA can release its rice inventory.

With the above information, it is my hope that with public awareness, the Palace’s attention will be directed at utilizing the NFA-held government rice inventory as an immediate and viable solution to addressing any food insecurity that may arise as a consequence of the Lockdown – Quarantine program to address the COVID-19 crisis.

Let’s all join in prayer that we get through this crisis stronger with better respect and compassion for our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Salamat at Mabuhay Po Kayo!

(The article reflects the personal opinion of the author and does not reflect the official stand of the Management Association of the Philippines or the MAP)
ROMEO G. DAVID is member of the MAP National Issues Committee, Chair and President of BNL Management Corporation and former NFA Administrator.